The duo "Mantra VIII" presents their second single and a spicy music video, “Night Orchestra”

The new duo "Mantra VIII," featuring the talented musicians Madara Martinkena and Liene Leitāne, has unveiled their second single, "Night Orchestra."

The release is accompanied by a captivating music video that embodies the song’s touching message: “We are just strangers who want to love and be loved…”

In youth, life seems like one big party with no tomorrow. Living in the moment, taking everything it offers to create memories. From first love to first heartbreak, which grows into traumas and a subsequent disbelief in true love.

It is the illusion of 21st-century love that significantly leaves scars. Experiences that change you, turning you into an independent, strong woman, losing your previous dreams of movie-script relationships. Until each of us arrives at our own "pattern" - how and what we want to build on our life's path.

"People could just be open to each other..., believe me, the world would be a much happier place..."

The song "Night Orchestra" is available on various streaming platforms, such as Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, YouTube, and others.

Click here to watch the video is owned by:

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