“Love Untamed” is an emotional tale of the inner struggle between loneliness and the longing for true, selfless love. It expresses the soul's pain and insecurity while seeking acceptance and connection with another person. The lyrics reveal inner vulnerability, the human desire to be understood, and the wish to break free from past mistakes. The song is a reminder of the importance of embracing one's humanity and seeking genuine connection despite previous experiences. The creation of "Love Untamed" has been part of the band's growth journey, partially inspired by the band “Nothing but Thieves,” while giving the song its unique sound.
Listen to the song on Spotify!
“We have found a way to merge our energy and experience into a unified sound. The album following “Love Untamed” will not only reflect our musical journey but also growth and the ability to let go of all that is unnecessary,” the band shares.
"Midnight Projects" began their journey in 2019 and, after years of lineup and sound exploration, have found their place in the music world, preparing to release their long-awaited debut album. The album is set for release in early summer 2025 and will be a journey through human life experiences – from alluring love to self-discovery. During the period of silence in their discography, the band managed to integrate their new lineup into festivals like "Fāze," "Summer Sound," and "Ezīšfests," and proved themselves in the finals of last year's new band competition “Nemiera Blice.”
The band combines strong instrumental performances and emotional vocals. The lineup includes Kristers Ķeveris (vocals), Jurģis Funts (guitar), Marius Beks (bass), Valters Kriškāns (keys), and Matīss Kokins (drums).