Patriks Peterson Reveals How He Balances Songwriting and Producing for Himself and Other Artists

Patriks Peterson is a singer, songwriter, and music producer whose musical career began at a very young age when he started taking piano lessons at six. In 2016, he graduated from Ādaži Art and Music School in piano performance, also participating in the school orchestra and singing in various ensembles. He also learned to play guitar and double bass from various teachers. Patriks began writing his first original songs at the age of 16, and in November 2020, he released his first single "Parā’ man!", which achieved significant success, reaching the top ten on several radio station charts.

In this interview, Patriks Peterson shares how he combines the roles of songwriter and producer, gives insight into his future plans, and reveals which entertainment venues he enjoys visiting.

You started engaging in music at a very young age. What drew you to music so early?

I was first introduced to music through my family. I remember accompanying my father to various concerts and musical events throughout my childhood, where I fell in love not only with the act of making music but also with the backstage aspects. My first piano lessons began very early, you could say in kindergarten. I then continued studying music at school until I graduated in piano performance, while also learning a few other instruments as hobbies. I can’t say I was a diligent student throughout music school—there were times when solfège and piano lessons felt particularly burdensome. However, looking back, I’m glad I was taken to lessons at such a young age. I can’t imagine my life without music now.

How would you describe your musical style and identity? How do you feel your style has evolved from your first songs to now?

There are definitely things that don’t change… but it’s the small details that collectively form my musical identity. If you look at the bigger picture, a lot has certainly changed. For instance, my listening habits have evolved—whereas before I mostly listened to melancholic melodies and slow songs, there are very few ballads in my catalog now. I’ve especially developed a fondness for 70s and 80s music, which increasingly reflects in the music I write and produce.

To what extent do you participate in the creative process of your music videos? For example, how did you go from the idea for the song “Why” to the final product?

For this project, I collaborated with very talented students from the Baltic Film and Media School in Tallinn. Although much of the music video’s script was developed by Hans Linnutaja (the director), we had a fantastic understanding. The main camera operator, Elīza Dombrovska, captured my feelings perfectly. The final product was exactly as I imagined and expected—which might seem normal, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always turn out that way. When working with new people, it’s important to me that my feelings or vision are captured, though—when it comes to a song I’ve composed myself, there’s not only the melody and lyrics but also the wrapped-up feelings, atmosphere, colors, and other nuances that are best understood by the author. Filming a video doesn’t always capture these perfectly, but this was definitely a project I look back on with a smile!

Check out the music video for "Why"

You have worked both as a music producer and a songwriter for other artists. How do these roles differ, and how do you balance them? Have you learned anything new while working with other artists?

In some ways, writing and producing for someone else seems easier. When writing songs for myself, I’m often too self-critical, which can lead to stagnation and unfinished projects—this is something I sometimes struggle with. I need to convince myself that not everything I write needs to be perfect right away. Last year, I worked more with other artists, and this year I’m focusing more on creating for myself. I hope to soon share something with a broader audience—that is definitely my goal!

Are there any specific artists or bands you would like to collaborate with?

On a global scale? Definitely many. Among global artists, the easier answers might be Bruno Mars, John Mayer… I’ve also often heard that people see similarities between me and Australian singer Ruel—we’re practically the same age, both tall, and, I won’t deny, it seems our musical tastes would align. If we’re talking about within Latvia… I’ve actually imagined and fantasized about a collaboration with maestro Raimonds Pauls. Who knows—maybe one day our paths will cross! Life tends to surprise.

What types of entertainment events do you enjoy attending and why?

With good music and delicious food! If these elements are present, it’s hard to spoil the event. But seriously, I’ve never been fond of events with large crowds and chaos—in that sense, I’m more of an introvert. I enjoy events with friends, small gatherings, both at home and outside, but I also try to attend many concerts and other musical events.

Imagine you have guests visiting who have never been to Riga. Which entertainment venues would you take them to?

Both for me and my friends, these places change every year. Someone discovers something new that others then follow, and there are many cool places that unfortunately close, or new ones open up. A few years ago, I used to visit the cultural venue and jazz club M/Darbnīca practically every week and even multiple times a week—my friends often performed there, and it always had a great atmosphere. That’s important to me, and you could always find it there. I still sometimes drop by, though much less frequently—not because I like it less, but because lately, I haven’t had as much opportunity to visit such places. I guess I’m getting old! But no—in general, I think it’s great where there are great people, and there are many such places in Riga. If these guests are great, we’ll have a good time almost anywhere!

Do you have any hobbies or interests that excite you outside of music?

In the past few years, I’ve surprised myself by becoming much more passionate about sports. Regular gym workouts, summer cycling, and other activities. I also enjoy trying new things from time to time—I played tennis a lot in my childhood, was into wakeboarding for a few years, and have taken various private lessons to explore and learn new instruments. However, I can’t say I always want something new and unknown—I also greatly enjoy the comfort of the familiar. Moreover, for several years now, I’ve been working not only as a solo artist or songwriter but also with my equipment, providing sound for various concerts and events. Since I started producing, I’ve fallen in love with sound processing and direction. I’m happy that I can increasingly connect it with my daily life—both in leisure and work.

What are your future plans? Are there any upcoming singles, albums, or special concerts?

I always have plans! Currently, the most pressing one is the concert at Robert’s Books’ courtyard on September 7th in Riga. I’ve been looking forward to this event for a long time and am excited that this small dream will finally come true. I’ll be performing with my friends—Matīss Žilinskis and Raivo Vaivars—and together we’ll acoustically perform some of my favorite melodies. I hope to create a cozy and warm atmosphere. Everyone is welcome!

Finally, what advice would you give to new and aspiring musicians in Latvia?

I think there are many new musicians who start their creative journey confidently but then give up at some point. However, if music is a calling, the path to success is almost never easy—both emotionally and physically. People from the outside often don’t understand this. But those who keep fighting for their place in the industry will find it! I wish perseverance and determination to pursue dreams! is owned by:

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