Sabīne Berezina Talks About Her New Single and Stage Mishaps

For several years, Sabīne has been successfully collaborating with producer Rassell, creating hits that have captured hearts all over Latvia, such as "Dzīvo brīvi," "Esi kustībā,” “Kaila,” and others.

As a solo artist, she has also created several beautiful songs that reflect her musical growth and creative expression.

We met with Sabīne to learn more about her musical journey, discover fascinating stories about stage and concert mishaps, and find out her three favourite entertainment spots in Riga.

Congratulations on your new single “Sapņu zeme Latvija”! Tell us, what inspired you to write this patriotic song?

Thank you so much! I actually had this melody in my archive for a while, I was saving it. But with the World Cup, where the Latvian basketball team ranked 5th, I had the idea to dedicate this melody specifically to the team. Basketball is very close to my heart; I also played and competed in my youth. Although I didn’t make it professionally, I dreamed about it a lot. Growing up in a family of musicians, I think it was rare for anyone not to follow in their parents' footsteps, as we see nowadays. So, supporting the team as their biggest fan, I reached out to my friend Rūta Sandija Misiņa to help write a beautiful text that would motivate the team to fight and feel the support of the 6th player. Over a cup of coffee, the lyrics were written, and I released the song on my birthday, when the guys were playing to qualify for the Olympics. Unfortunately, they didn’t make it, but the song also tells that no matter the final result, the 6th player will continue to support and help.

What is your creative process like when writing new songs? Do the lyrics, music, or melody come first?

For me, it always starts with the chords and the chord progression. Based on the harmony, the melody also emerges. Then the biggest challenge begins – the lyrics. I always struggle with the text, so I often invite friends or experts to help. As a result, the song comes together. There are times when I manage to write the lyrics myself, but that’s rare. I am inspired by everything happening around me at that particular moment while sitting at the piano, as well as the mood of the day. The music makes it clear whether the mood was good or sad – accordingly major or minor.

What is the most interesting or funniest experience you’ve had on stage or at a concert?

Honestly, I’ve never had a situation where I fell or made a mistake on stage. There have been different kinds of funny moments related to the profession or colleagues I perform with, but not me personally on stage. Well, except for incidents where flies flew into my mouth and I choked, or may beetles got tangled in my hair, but that’s normal during the summer. I remember participating in an international competition in Lithuania, which was filmed by Lithuanian TV3 and broadcasted live. I performed the song "Gintarai," which is as significant to them as "Pūt vējiņi" is to us. Singing in a foreign language is always incredibly stressful, to not mess up because everyone understands this song as an anthem. Of course, you shouldn’t think about that on stage because then you always mess up. At the beginning of the second verse, I realized I had a blank mind – I couldn’t remember the text. On autopilot, the entire second verse went in a language I made up – it was funny. People comforted me, saying they didn’t notice anything, while others asked if I sang the second verse in Spanish. I said no and laughed while crying. From the age of nine until now, I haven’t missed a single Mexican telenovela aired on our TV channels, so perhaps this made-up language resembled Spanish. Despite this, I won 2nd place!

Do you remember the day you realized you wanted to become a singer? Maybe it was your first concert?

Honestly, I’ve been performing as a soloist since I was 7 years old because my mom made me. I didn’t really understand if I truly wanted to become a singer – I know that at that age, I wanted to be a veterinarian. From the age of 13, I dreamed of becoming a basketball player. But I think it was during the show “Okartes skatuve” that I began to truly understand what it means to be a singer. That was the time when I received tons of letters from supporters all over Latvia, and it was because of them that I couldn’t see any other path in life. Thanks to them for that!

Which musical personalities have influenced your work?

My work has been influenced by Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Celine Dion, Beyoncé Knowles, Usher, R. Kelly, Michael Jackson, Bobby Valentino, and Alicia Keys. These are the artists from whom I have learned a lot and drawn inspiration.

Musicians often have songs that are especially close to their hearts. Which of your songs do you most enjoy performing at concerts, and why?

Hmm, this is a very difficult question. All my songs are close to me, and I always enjoy singing each one. Of course, sometimes a song might not be performed as often because it simply doesn’t fit the event. For example, at city festivals, everyone wants to have fun, not cry, and singing in English at national celebrations isn’t that common either. But my favorite song is “My Inspiration” or “Pray” – both are equally dear to me. Among Latvian songs, “Tu esi brīvs” is close to my heart.

People who don’t sing regularly or don’t know how often say they only sing in the shower, but what about singers? Do you sing in the shower too?

Oh yes, of course, even in stores. I like to shower at my parents' place because they have a radio in the shower – specifically, Radio Skonto. When I start singing, sorry neighbors! Sometimes it’s hard to get out of the shower because it sounds so good in the cabin!

Do you have any hobbies or interests that captivate you outside of music?

Yes, definitely. I like sports – in the summer, I always play basketball or volleyball with friends. I enjoy going camping, spending time on paddleboards or boats in nature. Long walks along the sea or in forests also make me happy. In winter, I enjoy the fun of the mountains, either with the good old sled or a tube. Anything active. And if the weather is lousy, then I love enjoying any kind of cinema with snacks!

What music do you listen to daily? Can you share any songs that are a must-listen?

I mostly listen to all the old music daily, from the 80s to the hits of the 2000s. I like various music, except heavy metal. Hmm, I don’t know what to recommend. A song that at least calms me down and says that everything in life will be okay is Enigma – "Return to Innocence." The younger generation might not know this kind of music, but they should give it a listen.

What is the best concert you have ever attended as a spectator, and why?

From recent concerts, the one that stands out the most is 50 Cent’s concert at Arena Riga. It was a great show, with good sound, and I remembered myself at 14 years old. It brought me back to my youth, it was nostalgic. That’s why it stands out vividly, because who doesn’t long for their youth? As the song says: "Youth is beautiful, it won’t come back."

Can you share with our readers your top 3 entertainment spots in Riga?

Yes, until recently, I rarely went out because my job is associated with entertainment venues on weekends. I used to spend my days off in peace and quiet in the countryside with my parents. But lately, it seems a second youth has been born in me, and I started visiting different places. I was quite surprised that many beloved spots no longer exist. It’s a shame, but from those that still exist, I can mention: Sapņi un Kokteiļi (a favorite spot for me and my friends), St. Black, and Rock Cafe Riga (in Old Riga).

Finally, what advice would you give to aspiring musicians?

My advice to aspiring musicians: sing, play, achieve your goals, and fulfill your dreams. Don’t stop at the first failures, but keep doing it if you love it. In my opinion, no one can live without music. It is a form of rehabilitation and healing. Music heals, and it’s great to make music and be in this field. is owned by:

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